Hellmuth Poker After Dark

Hellmuth Poker After Dark Rating: 9,0/10 9732 reviews

Phil Hellmuth became one of the superstars of poker in part because of his incredible successes at the table, but also because of his “poker brat” reputation. There are dozens of YouTube videos of Hellmuth steaming after a bad break, and in this clip from Poker After Dark, Hellmuth had a good reason to be irate after losing his entire stack in a cash game to Phil Ivey.

Hugely popular in Poker After Dark YouTube videos, Hellmuth is one of the most popular Poker After Dark players ever to grace the stunning PokerGO Studio at the ARIA Resort. One reason for that is that when he loses, the Poker Brat often blows his top! THE BIRTH OF THE POKER BRAT. So I recorded Poker After Dark this past week, which was a high stakes cash game, and watched it over the weekend. It had a great cast with Patrick Antonius, Phil Ivey, Phil Hellmuth, Gus Hansen. Poker After Dark: Week 1 - Poker Brat Attack. Featuring Shawn Sheikhan, Annie Duke, Phil Hellmuth, Steve Zolotow, Huck Seed, and Gus Hansen.- Classic seasons. The $100/$200 game was headlined by Phil Hellmuth, Jennifer Tilly, Jean-Robert Bellande, and Eli Elezra, who have over 50 combined Poker After Dark appearances. Each have dozens of high stakes highlights on their resumes, but the collision between Hellmuth and JRB may out-kick them all. Phil Hellmuth also made regular appearances on TV show Poker After Dark, sometimes as a player and often as a commentator. As a player, he was the champion of season 3. He has appeared in several other poker player TV series since then. Phil Hellmuth Achievements at a glance.

Ivey, with 8-6 of clubs, raises preflop to $2,500, and both Hellmuth and Patrik Antonius call with pocket pairs (10s and 4s, respectively). Daniel Negreanu folds and Tom Dwan calls with King-Queen offsuit to make it a four-handed pot.

Ivey flopped a 6 to 10 straight, while Hellmuth flopped three of a kind and got caught in a “cooler” (when you have a great hand, but are playing against an even better hand).


Fortunately for Antonius and Dwan, they were able to escape without losing much money. Ivey, acting first, bet $8,000, and Hellmuth called. A two of diamonds on the turn was useless to both players, and Ivey followed up with a bet of $23,000.

At this point, Hellmuth still had a relatively decent 23 percent chance at the pot, and needed either a 10 or the board to pair and give him a full house. After thinking it over for a moment, Hellmuth went all-in, and Ivey instantly called.

Before the river, Hellmuth tried to work out a side deal with anyone at the table for insurance, but found no takers. He found no help on the river and lost his stack to Ivey, then went on a classic Hellmuth rant.

“It’s unbelievable. I waited all day and flopped top set, and he had 6-8? And I’m out. All right, I’ll play another $100,000. I can’t quit.”

Phil Hellmuth Poker After Dark

A few moments later, Hellmuth was still going.

“That’s really nice. Really nice. Waited all that time, flopped top set…. It’s just unbelievable. How bad can I run?”

The closing episodes of Poker Afer Dark’s Dream Table week with amateur poker player Ken Light were full of surprises, firsts and new records. Almost everyone chipped in to provide some very good poker and twists.

The fall out began almost half way through the fourth show when Daniel Negreanu limps in first position with KhKc, Mike Matusow calls on button with Ac8d, Scotty Nguyen calls the small blind and Ken Light checks the big blind.

Hellmuth Poker After Dark

Poker After Dark Phil Hellmuth

Those 4 players see a flop of 6c 7c 6s. It is checked around, Daniel slow playing kings and Matusow bets $800. That was enough to get Nguyen and Light out and Negreanu only calls. The turn brings the Ks and Daniel again checks his now full house, and Matusow, drawing dead, bites and bets $1,200. Again, Negreanu only calls. The river brings the Ad and one more time a check from Daniel. Now pairing his ace, Mike “the mouth” bets $2,000 leaving him very little left. This time Negreanu pulls the trigger and check raises Mike Matusow all in. With very little left, Mike calls and is first of the six to leave the table.

At the end of the fourth show we had surprise number one, Jennifer Harman, at one time as low as 5000 in chips is still in and one record tied, Mike “the mouth” Matusow is 0-6 lifetime at PAD, tied with Hellmuth for worst record.

  1. Negreanu – 58K
  2. Hellmuth – 21K
  3. Nguyen – 18k
  4. Harman – 13K
  5. Light – 10K

The last episode starts with Daniel Negreanu raising to $4,500 with pocket 3’s only to find Scotty Nguyen re-raising all in with pocket jack’s. Daniel eventually calls and no help comes doubling up Nguyen early and putting him in second place.

The very next hand, again Daniel raises, this time with Ad9s and it folds around to Ken Light in the big blind that wakes up to find KhKc. He goes all in for $9,600 and again Daniel calls the $5,600 more, no help for Negreanu and Ken Light now has new hope.

Quickly Daniel went from king of the mountain to middle of the pack with the new chip count being:

  1. Nguyen – 31k
  2. Hellmuth – 26K
  3. Negreanu – 22K
  4. Harman – 21K
  5. Light – 20K

A few hands later it was time for another surprise. Daniel in the small blind calls with Js6s and Hellmuth checks the big blind with KsTh. The flop comes Jc Kh 6c and Daniel moves all-in and is instantly called by Phil. The turn brings the 8s bring Daniel closer to a double up but the river Tc reverses any momentum and the suck out reduces Daniel Negranu to $1,300.

On the button next hand Daniel goes all in with ThTc. Hellmuth calls in small blind with Qh7c but Jennifer Harman raises the big blind to $10,000 with KdJd. The flop shows two diamonds and our next surprise of this week comes on the turn with another diamond sending Daniel Negreanu home in 5th place after 4 episodes of complete domination.

With blinds going up, Scotty Nguyen goes all-in for $10,600 with AsJh and it is folded to Hellmuth in the big blind who looks at one card Ah and calls. Scotty rolls the AJ and Phil shows every else his second card….Kh. In a little twist of fate only poker could bring, Phil hits his king on the flop, Scotty picks up a straight draw, the turn brings Phil a flush draw and the river gives Scotty Nguyen the straight but unfortunately also gave Phil the flush and Scotty goes home in 4th place.

Now down to the final three a couple more surprises, Ken Light the online poker qualifier is still hanging in, Jennifer Harman who was down to $5,000 chip earlier is neck and neck with Phil Hellmuth whose PAD record is 0-6.

The final players counts are:

Poker after dark phil hellmuthHellmuth Poker After Dark
  1. Phil Hellmuth – 52K
  2. Jennifer Harman – 50K
  3. Ken Light – 18K
Poker after dark phil hellmuth

With the action heating up it is only fitting that the final hand would be a show stopper. Jennifer Harman raises to $12,000 on the button with QcTh, Ken Light, in the small blind goes all-in for $8,600 with 9h8h and Phil Hellmuth calls with 9c7s. The flop comes Tc 5s 7 d and here is where it got real interesting.

The all got something from this flop, Light has a straight draw, top pair for Harman and middle pair for Hellmuth. Hellmuth muttering to himself, “I can’t check” and even asks himself if he could fold if Harman moved all in, bets $6,000 and after thinking for a while, Harman then moved all-in. Hellmuth eventually calls to the surprise of Ken Light who openly asked why they didn’t check it down and see if they could get him out.

The turn brought the 7h and the river Ks sealed another suck out for Phil Hellmuth and eliminated both players making him Poker After Dark Dream Table Champion and $120,000 richer. So now Phil finally has the PAD monkey off his back with his first win. Jennifer Harman finished second after a remarkable come back and the Full Tilt poker online qualifier Ken Light survived his dream line up to finish a respectable 3rd.

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